AH 64 Apache product review

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Vloženo před by admin
172 Zobrazení
Are you old enough to remember the Apache video game on PC? Well, I am. :) What a great video game and I spent hours firing hellfire missiles at tanks and installations. Seeing this kit released reminded me of the good old days of sitting in a virtual cockpit and crashing into pixelated hillsides. I couldn't think of anything better than to put together these miniatures and use them in a 3D tabletop game recreating the actions of my childhood. Enjoy the video.

Battlefront Background
Battlefront Miniatures started as a 15mm World War II miniatures game designer and manufacturer. Their world HQ is based in Auckland, New Zealand and has satellite offices in the UK and US with its manufacturing facility located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Since its inception the company has created several game systems based on the original Flames of War rules concept including World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, wars in the Middle East, and its fictional modern game World War III, Team Yankee. Battlefront Miniatures purchased Gale Force Nine several years ago and utilizes this brand to launch its licensed board game products, D&D roleplaying products, and its pre-painted scenery range Battlefield in a Box.

Watchful I Studio Background
Created in 2015 the company was formed to provide high quality Asian themed historical and fantasy 28mm miniatures. Watchful I Studio has successfully launched an ancient Chinese army along with it fantastical Terracotta counterparts. Future armies have been planned and will be launched via Kickstarter in the future with a rules system in development. Watchful I Studio has also turned its attention to provide gaming industry and hobby related content to help educate players about existing games in the marketplace or assist retailers in determining their product mix in their shop. We will look at game systems such as Flames of War, World War III Team Yankee, Kings of War, The 9th Age, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Saga, Saga: Age of Magic, Warlords of Erehwon, Black Powder, and Hail Caesar. Videos will consist of product reviews, assembly and painting guides, army building and battle reports. For more information please check out the following links:

Watchful I Studio website: https://www.watchfulistudio.com/
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