A 3D RC Plane ANYONE Can Fly! Radiolink A560 Review

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Check out the Radiolink A560 here! https://amzn.to/4gN7fqT
I crashed my last 3D RC Plane so I needed to take it back a notch. The Raiolink A560 is a RTF RC Plane that is extremely beginner friendly. For just a small profile plane, this impressed me quite a bit! #rcplane #rc #radiocontrol

00:00 Why did I get a 3D RC plane?
00:48 The Radiolink A560
01:45 Initial Setup
02:59 First hand launch!
06:37 Second hand launch + Crash
06:56 Evaluating the damage
07:07 Third hand launch
08:27 Final Thoughts
RC Stíhačky

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