4K | RC Helicopter | RC Airplane | Flying Show | Japan ???????? | Pk Nara | RC ヘリコプターと飛行機の飛行ショー

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A radio-controlled helicopter (also RC helicopter) is model aircraft which is distinct from a RC airplane because of the differences in construction, aerodynamics, and flight training. Several basic designs of RC helicopters exist, of which some (such as those with collective pitch control) are more maneuverable than others. The more maneuverable designs are often harder to fly, but benefit from greater aerobatic capabilities


A radio-controlled aircraft (often called RC aircraft or RC plane) is a small flying machine that is controlled remotely by an operator on the ground using a hand-held radio transmitter. The transmitter communicates with a receiver within the craft that sends signals to servomechanisms (servos) which move the control surfaces based on the position of joysticks on the transmitter. The control surfaces, in turn, affect the orientation of the plane

Location : Ami-machi , Inashiki Gun , Ibaraki , Japan

Description : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio-controlled_aircraft
Music : https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCJcv4PSBpFepeCiTzDv9pnQ/music?utm_campaign=upgrade&utm_medium=redirect&utm_source=%2Faudiolibrary%2Fmusic
Location : https://maps.apple.com/?ll=35.999300,140.186600&q=Unknown%20Location&_ext=EiQpR3L5D+n/QUAx4C2QoPiFYUA5R3L5D+n/QUBB4C2QoPiFYUA%3D&t=r

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