3D puzzle - Helicopter revisited. First time I printed this a little too thin, so the parts slot together too easily with too much clearance. I have modified the file on TinkerCad to make it a bit thicker to tighten it up.
original videos
FULL LENGTH https://youtu.be/aWuZvUc2UJo
FAST FORWARD https://youtu.be/TMD3-NEmyE4
I copied the image from here (originally a laser cut wooden kit)
There seems to be several pins of the same helicopter kit
Edited it with Corel Paintshop Pro X9
I used Online-Convert to convert it to an SVG file
Uploaded it to TinkerCad, resized it to my needs and downloaded that as an STL file
I then sliced that files using either
Creality Slicer (supplied with the Ender 3 printer)
Ultimaker Cura 4.7.1
Finally I printed it on my Creality Ender-3 3D Printer
My version https://www.tinkercad.com/things/fxtBUjkPCLc
Amazon *Affiliate link for the printer https://amzn.to/3iVJVbB
NOTE: I bought mine on Banggood I paid £147.91
BangGood *Affiliate link (looks like the price has gone up) https://www.banggood.com/custlink/G3vmwP1BFu
Some related playlists
3D Printed https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB3K22J9R7Q3tuThnn7VsoG1
Wooden clip together Kits https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB0Y_OBJSS6yi2Lbl0YocQA7
Wooden Automata https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB26evWgCOcMwkWMXSmrRuMp
Wooden Puzzle F1 Racer kit RC conversion https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB0aY0dPPy5ULK2Xqpk98Qje
Plastic clip together clockwork kits https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB0eZjyzAMKxqxQ1f2FFSCp0
Time Lapse playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB31JF8koOfxOgnOnXAd8BxU
Limpet Racing https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB1GaqLk5pKrDDxKESShiK80
The Beast from the East https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-by_jO_6em9nc9Xx8gyG6ZT97zffthAS
Clouds https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB3AnOgcl7tckY07IXLgQEyE
Puzzles solved https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB3sxw_GmqpKXv0ABq7N9skS
Full Length builds https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-by_jO_6em_g5E-F2PMOa5Y4Jdi8TCjx
My Channels
GrandadIsAnOldMan https://bit.ly/2T3x6RX
GrandadsOtherChannel https://bit.ly/2yW5uYb
Put a rubber band on it https://bit.ly/2T3OF4j
Number4 https://bit.ly/3cG4fuZ
You can help keep my channel running with coffee and cakes at Patreon https://bit.ly/35XFasL
If you don't like Patreon you use Kofi instead https://bit.ly/3dNusI9
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Playlists https://bit.ly/3dI9mdV
I have thousands of videos on YouTube, to find one try my search guides https://youtu.be/ceBSOoOHcgw or https://youtu.be/Zj4UgwkwYRk
I am happy for you to show my content as part of your own projects or in public settings as long as you clearly credit GrandadIsAnOldMan. Do not copy my video content and pass it off as your own.
*Affiliate links may generate an income for me
#GrandadIsAnOldMan #GrandadsOtherChannel #Putarubberbandonit #Number4
original videos
FULL LENGTH https://youtu.be/aWuZvUc2UJo
FAST FORWARD https://youtu.be/TMD3-NEmyE4
I copied the image from here (originally a laser cut wooden kit)
There seems to be several pins of the same helicopter kit
Edited it with Corel Paintshop Pro X9
I used Online-Convert to convert it to an SVG file
Uploaded it to TinkerCad, resized it to my needs and downloaded that as an STL file
I then sliced that files using either
Creality Slicer (supplied with the Ender 3 printer)
Ultimaker Cura 4.7.1
Finally I printed it on my Creality Ender-3 3D Printer
My version https://www.tinkercad.com/things/fxtBUjkPCLc
Amazon *Affiliate link for the printer https://amzn.to/3iVJVbB
NOTE: I bought mine on Banggood I paid £147.91
BangGood *Affiliate link (looks like the price has gone up) https://www.banggood.com/custlink/G3vmwP1BFu
Some related playlists
3D Printed https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB3K22J9R7Q3tuThnn7VsoG1
Wooden clip together Kits https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB0Y_OBJSS6yi2Lbl0YocQA7
Wooden Automata https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB26evWgCOcMwkWMXSmrRuMp
Wooden Puzzle F1 Racer kit RC conversion https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB0aY0dPPy5ULK2Xqpk98Qje
Plastic clip together clockwork kits https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB0eZjyzAMKxqxQ1f2FFSCp0
Time Lapse playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB31JF8koOfxOgnOnXAd8BxU
Limpet Racing https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB1GaqLk5pKrDDxKESShiK80
The Beast from the East https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-by_jO_6em9nc9Xx8gyG6ZT97zffthAS
Clouds https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB3AnOgcl7tckY07IXLgQEyE
Puzzles solved https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB3sxw_GmqpKXv0ABq7N9skS
Full Length builds https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-by_jO_6em_g5E-F2PMOa5Y4Jdi8TCjx
My Channels
GrandadIsAnOldMan https://bit.ly/2T3x6RX
GrandadsOtherChannel https://bit.ly/2yW5uYb
Put a rubber band on it https://bit.ly/2T3OF4j
Number4 https://bit.ly/3cG4fuZ
You can help keep my channel running with coffee and cakes at Patreon https://bit.ly/35XFasL
If you don't like Patreon you use Kofi instead https://bit.ly/3dNusI9
Merchandise on RedBubble https://rdbl.co/2yJv56H
Merchandise on Cotton Cart https://bit.ly/2xZymOP
Merchandise on Teespring https://bit.ly/2Zby02T
Twitter https://bit.ly/3fMUgFN
FaceBook https://bit.ly/3csbruk
Pinterest https://bit.ly/2WTuuXP
Instagram https://bit.ly/2WPLa2F
Thingiverse https://bit.ly/35WfSem
Tinkercad https://bit.ly/2WUrM4q
Oldest videos https://bit.ly/2Z4RBl1
Most Popular https://bit.ly/3cx0lUP
Newest videos https://bit.ly/2T3TryJ
Playlists https://bit.ly/3dI9mdV
I have thousands of videos on YouTube, to find one try my search guides https://youtu.be/ceBSOoOHcgw or https://youtu.be/Zj4UgwkwYRk
I am happy for you to show my content as part of your own projects or in public settings as long as you clearly credit GrandadIsAnOldMan. Do not copy my video content and pass it off as your own.
*Affiliate links may generate an income for me
#GrandadIsAnOldMan #GrandadsOtherChannel #Putarubberbandonit #Number4
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- RC Vrtulníky