2020! - FPV Freestyle

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148 Zobrazení
Wow, What a crazy year 2020 has been! I love looking back and seeing how much my flying has improved this year - as always, thanks for watching, and here's to a better 2021! Enjoy :)

Song: Shake Me Down - Cage The Elephant

Frame: Ummagawd Remix (V1 & V2 mixed parts)
Motors: Hypetrain Blasters
FC: Matek F722SE
ESCs: DYS Aria 32 bit 35 amp ESCs (individual ESCs)
FPV camera: Caddx Turbo v2
Recording camera/action cam: GoPro Hero 5 Session
VTX: RaceDayQuads Mach 3
Receiver: Crossfire Nano Rx
Batteries: Assortment of different batteries (I kinda just take what I can get for cheap lol)
Props: Ethix S4

Micro Setup: Beta75 Pro 2 (Custom)
Props: Gemfan 40mm
Camera/Vtx: Caddx Firefly/NameLessRc micro vtx
Canopy: Custom 3D Printed
Batteries: Betafpv 300 mah 1s

FPV goggles: Fat Shark Attitude v5
Transmitter: Taranis Qx7/Crossfire micro module v2
RC Stíhačky

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