2 Horrible Maidens! I GIVE UP ON EDF JETS!

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Looking again at people on youtube flying these "easy" 64mm EDF jets, I thought, hmm. I can do that!

I don't know if it's how I put them together or what else I did wrong, but the maidens with these F9F Panther EDF Jets was truly heartbreaking. Especially the second time because I thought surely I could do it with the Reflex V3 system. Nope.

Let me know if you see something I did wrong or whatever and if you think I should try again.

Thanks for all of your support. Stay well.


Purchase the 500mm P-51 plane here via my affiliate link https://www.kidstoylover.com/en-us/products/p51d-rc-airplane-4-channel-brushless-motor-xpilot-stabilizer-2-4ghz-remote?sca_ref=6637131.DeoP6Q0Stw where I may earn a commission but it doesn't cost you anything extra.

I also have a 30% off code, so let me know if you're interested.
RC Stíhačky

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