1/8th buggy fresstyle trick : double backflip to reverse flip, rc car freestyle jump

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Vloženo před by admin
141 Zobrazení
buggies can freestyle too ! despite their small and light tires !
here a DOUBLE backflip to reverse flip. why not just simple frontflip ? well, a buggy doesn't frontflip quickly enough ! so a little reverse helps it !

soundtrack is : https://youtu.be/kLjC_IIbZVM

hey you, how are you doing ? whatchoo doing here ? reading the description ?? come on ! no one does that !!so what's my channel about ? well, first i like to jump my RCs ! buggies, truggies, monster trucks...rc car freestyle is my thing, i got 70 tricks on my list ! and i like to build my solid axles trucks ! 1/10, 1/8th and 1/7th scale, using STEEL, and that's not common !check my vids about grave digger, maxD . i made them do tricks never seen before !i like to film the best i can too ! i use gopro cameras, at 2.7K/120fps ! in order to get nice flowing slowmotionsi got approx 220 videos, have a look at them !cheers man !
free music i use comes from those great music makers :
Audio Library — Music for content creators
TeknoAXE's Royalty Free Music
Off road

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