1/25th scale 66' Mustang RC car

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*Before you post anything about wood, please read the update 3) and 5) first.Home made RC car (1/25th scale 66 Mustang). I wanted to create a semi-scale RWD RC-car with the motor under the bonnet and scale-like front-biased weight distribution. Created from scratch using parts like Mini-Z wheels and diff, 1/16 buggy electronics, aluminium tubes in all diameters, iwaver motorand a AMT/ERTL Mustang plastic model.Update @071214: 1) Thanks for all your positive comments, I won't be able to answer to them all but I am thankful for your feedback. 2) Some car experts have pointed out that this is actually a '66 Mustang, which is entirely correct, so I've changed the title, sorry for the mistake. 3) This car does unfortunately not exist anymore. What you don't see on the video is that it isn't very fun to drive. Besides it has some serious reliability flaws, so it takes a lot of time each time just to make it run. I'm a bit experimental-minded, so I subjected the chassis to some testing in mechanical strength (I can report that the wooden chassis was among the last thing to brake). Also I need to recycle the parts for the next build, so it is now in pieces. I have since moved on to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIDo7j6Q7Kg It's front wheel drive, fun to drive and very reliable. 4) New buildsis in the plans, the ambitions are still hign, but I'm having harder to find time for my hobby, so it might take a while before I finish anything. 5)A lot of people have had opinions about my choice of construction material. All I can say is that wood isn't as weak as you think. As stated above itwas the last thing to break in this car.
RC Auta
built, control, custom, iwaver, mini, mustang, radio, rc, remote, scratch

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