The real drift remote control car, a top speed of up to 15KM.
Features and performance (full-function remote control drift car)
1: a forward, backward, left and right switch to the basic functions (four-wheel drive), but also increase the drift function of dreams, the car using
3 No.5 batteries, remote control uses 2 No.5 batteries. (NOT Included)
2: Two-motor design, the minimum speed of 10KM, motors can always upgrade handling, car tires can be replaced at any time, and the supporting tire is the drift Edition (PS), comes with Road Edition (soft) of the set.
3: This car is the latest escalation of the entire vehicle bearing
4: Professional Drift Version
5: Digital proportional R / C system .
6: with electronic brake function digital proportional split DEH .
7: The four-wheel drive with independent front and rear differential design .
8: four-wheel independent suspension-type shock absorber system
9: wheel drive adoption of CVD
The real drift remote control car, a top speed of up to 15KM.
Features and performance (full-function remote control drift car)
1: a forward, backward, left and right switch to the basic functions (four-wheel drive), but also increase the drift function of dreams, the car using
3 No.5 batteries, remote control uses 2 No.5 batteries. (NOT Included)
2: Two-motor design, the minimum speed of 10KM, motors can always upgrade handling, car tires can be replaced at any time, and the supporting tire is the drift Edition (PS), comes with Road Edition (soft) of the set.
3: This car is the latest escalation of the entire vehicle bearing
4: Professional Drift Version
5: Digital proportional R / C system .
6: with electronic brake function digital proportional split DEH .
7: The four-wheel drive with independent front and rear differential design .
8: four-wheel independent suspension-type shock absorber system
9: wheel drive adoption of CVD
- Kategorie
- Off road